ZANIA Design

ZANIA DESIGN is a company specialized in residential projects with 35 years experience. This began with specialization in high quality kitchen and bathroom facilities and a great number of completed projects in this field testify to our expertise with interior architecture.
We possess a team of architects, engineers, interior designers and display decorators who work closely and flexibly with our customers to provide meticulous solutions, from assessment and planning to physical completion and the final touches.

ZANIA DESIGN in tandem with ZANIA FACTORY, our manufacturing division based in Navàs, make the perfect harmony, bringing clear competitive advantages to the GROUP. On the one hand, ZANIA FACTORY build all the designed elements for each project, permitting excellent quality control and terms of manufacture while guaranteeing the completion of projects in strict accord with agreements. On the other hand, ZANIA DESIGN conveys our own exclusive products directly to the final client, eliminating intermediary distributors.
Both of these factors cut out superfluous costs which bring no advantage to the final client. This grants us high competitivity in pricing and positions us as a leader in high-quality fitted furniture for kitchens, bathrooms and interior décor in general.


Abat Oliba, 62-64 - 08242 MANRESA (Barcelona) - T. (+34) 902 889 754 - (+34) 93 873 33 10
